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Captain Victory's BIG British Steampunk Adventure

Writer's picture:

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

Date: Thursday 15th August 2019

Location: I don't know - my life is in turmoil and I can't remember!!

Specifically: What!!! Stop it leave me alone! I'm going to hide under a windmill and eat cheese sandwiches until I either calm down or turn into a rodent! 


In my earliest scribblings about starting a blogging site (posted on my personal Facebook page) I joked that 1 or 2 people may be interested in hearing about my experiences of selling the bricks and mortar and setting out for a life on the road in a motorhome and carrying on my trade as a steampunk artist. However I have it on good authority (being prodded by people asking “ere where’s this blog we keep hearing about?”) that there are a good deal more than that (at least 6 or7!) who are asking about when the blog actually starts. I am pleased to say that following weeks of frustration I am there (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this). 

It ocurred to me also that, in addition to postings based on the above, I could actually offer a lot more to readers than just reporting on a life on the road. With this in mind I have asked a few friends, colleagues, acquaintances what kind of things they might be interested in.

Please feel free to offer (constructive criticism) make suggestions, express concerns or just share your experiences!

These are some some of the suggestions that have been given but please feel free to add others. 

Visitor in the Van – featuring notable steampunks. Sounds good to me – although will have to look into some of the more well known artists, musicians who are likely to require their palms greasing.

Promoting steampunk: By reporting on festivals and events, people, performers, traders etc – This will be humorous and lighthearted, no criticisms. Also I don’t want to go anywhere near any of this political crap that we are all fed up with. 

Reporting experiences of living full time on the road for anyone considering the same or similar, or for those people who might be thinking - “selling his house to live like a gypsy – what a knobhead”).

VLOGS– Not my strong point but will have a go as there seems to be a fair bit of interest.

Jokes: Steampunk is not short of comedians - so I'm sure we can find a few bits and pieces to give people the odd titter.

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