Date: Saturday 13th July 2019
Location: Hebden Bridge
Specifically: Hangingroyd Lane CP
It's possible that most people are aware of this but just in case....
Yesterday as I went to park Hymie in a car park adjacent to the Town Hall in Hebden Bridge.
I saw a couple of shifty guys hanging around - one young, the other about middle aged.
As I manoeuvred into place I could see the young guy watching me closely. I could have sworn the young guy shouted “we’ve got a right one here” - though he denied it when I challenged him about it.
Neither of these guys were in uniform - the young guy was wearing a grey/dark coloured cap and dark clothing (about all I can remember).
He described himself as (“I’m the Carking Parking Attendant”) then said it was £3.00 to park for 3 hours. Then “because you have a large vehicle it might have to be more”
To cut a long story short - this guy didn’t seem to know anything - he was uncertain about the charge for the day, didn’t seem to know how long the car park was open for, had no idea whether I could leave my van for the night, didn’t have any receipts "I normally give them but don’t have them with me today” He finally decided it would be £8 up to 5.00 p.m. (clearly can’t add up either since the time was approx 9.00 a.m.). I told him I would bring the payment to him.
When I returned to the park there was no sign of him; until he appeared out of a bakers scoffing a pasty!
I’m pretty certain (after the event of course!) that any parking attendant should have a uniform or some means of ID, should know basic info and be clear what they are talking about.So my guess is that these two were a couple of scam artists taking advantage. Could be wrong but I would advise caution! I don't want anyone else to get taken advantage of.
It turned out to be nothing. That section of the car park was owned by a private company who had hired these the two guys as parking attendants. Nevertheless - the company have a duty to hire staff who are professional and know how to do their job. These two were a joke.