This post contains material related to the paranormal that some people may find frightening or upsetting. Those of a nervous disposition should not read this alone!
Date: Saturday 1st August 2020
Quarantine: Day
Location: Somewhere near Wales
Specifically: Standing on the Welsh border - which is surrounded by a very nice arrangement of shrubbery thank you very much.
... and a few dandelions
... and some nettles
... and just over the hill I can see many trees glinting in the sun..
... and a family of bunnies just walking in front of a tracto.....
Oh dear - best forget that one.
Not quite such a good start as yesterdahy - 08.30 as opposed to 05.30 but at least better that than the 14.00 scenario I'd gotten into. I decide to start with a healthy breakfast - an omelette! Unfornatley I've run out of eggs which is inconvenient but at least I won’t put any more weight on! I settle for 'Chocolate Crisps' - one of those cereals from Aldi that they import from countries that haven't been discovered yet. The recommended amount is the ubiquitous 45 grams that is supposed to keep a grown man going until he can get something else to eat. By my reckoning this will be about 4 minutes later.
Keen to get started on my blog I decide I need posts for the July period . A quick look at the analytics tells me that something big happened around mid July which caused an upsurge in visitors to my website - I need to find out what this was.
Exqueeze me one second....
Hmm a quick check on my posts for that period shows that on the 16th July I uploaded a post about people smoking in and amongst a few hundred filled gas cylinders. So what is it about the combination of smoking, naked gas and people that would draw people to a website?? More research needed I think. Hey did I just hear as loud bang from the builders yard?
Anyway onwards and upwards as they say (but NOT in anyone else’s bloody house). Today I am a man with a mission. My mission is to track down a very specific member of a creature known to locals as the ‘Ali’. Rumour has it that this amazing creature - renowned for its resourcefulness, inventiveness and exotic plumage remains elusive and so far has proved next to impossible to spot in the wild. There have been sightings but nothing of any real value. As a consequence there remains, as yet, no authenticated account of its existence.
*Bloody hell it seems to be raining chunks of orange metal and bits of fag packet!*
The few reported sightings of 'The Ali' that we know about have taken place at the border between England and Wales - especially in the vicinity of Northfield, Wem, Ellesmere and Whitchurch - but again nothing conclusive. Details about 'The Ali' are sketchy to say the least - in fact all we can say at this time is that the creature appears very territorial and is most likely of the female persuasion since, although reported to be small of stature, she will go on the defensive if crossed. Therefore cryptozoologists and amateur researchers into the paranormal should approach with extreme caution. While staying in the area I was kindly allowed to wander unfettered around the grounds of a local farm. It was during one of these meanderings that I witnessed, on more than once occasion, what I firmly believe to be the 'The Ali'. But first......
This photo although of poor quality provides some of the most compelling evidence to date for the existence of 'The Ali'. It was taken by 'Daily Sediment' journalist Donna Mukraka while on her way home following a 'staff meeting'. A local farmer reported seeing her "urinating behind a tree while completely off her tits on weed". But the image appears to show a humanoid figure. Most startling of all is the similarity between this image and the one taken near the stables - the bare arm bent at the elbow and pointing outwards. No evidence of the lower body indicating that 'the Ali might be some sort of creature that expects to be driven around when she needs to pop out and to the right of her head what appears to be another wispy looking spiritual entity that she has probably just conjured up.
My final piece of evidence is this photograph taken by local photographer Barrington Mud-Slingga. Theres no doubt about it's clarity. The shot is sharp, taken in good light and has been well composed. But is this a photo of The Ali? or is it something else entirely? Since there are as yet no confirmed sightings we can't tell one way or the other but one local resident who has asked to remain anonymous told us "way yer daft pillock that's just a photo of a gnarly tree opposite the methodist church".
I present reports of my sightings exactly as they happened.
My First Sighting
I was walking in the vicinity of the man-cave - a converted missile silo (or some sort of silo anyway) when I caught a glimpse of movement in the vicinity of the stables. I knew it couldn't have been a horse because they were all out in the fields and it couldn’t have been Sean because he was working on his airship - after all it was only 2.15 a.m. I pointed my camera in the vicinity of the movement knowing the light was against me but hoping I could enhance it in Photoshop later. See picture below...
The above image is rather blurry on account of my being filled with terror as I took the photograph but if you look closely on the left you can see what appears to be an entity with a mass of long light coloured hair. You can also just make out the shape of a head and an arm. Due to the poor quality of the photograph I cannot say this is conclusive proof of a mysterious encounter with the Ali but there was definitely something strange creeping around.
My Second Sighting
At first glance this appears to be a photograph (albeit a greatly overexposed one) of Ian trying out his home made vehicle but if you look closely in the top left hand corner (1) you can just make out what appears to be the head and neck of a female materialising out of thin air! It also appears to be rubbing its forehead in a strange gesture. Even more strangely there appears to be a ghostly spirit (2) drifting past in front of Ian's car (3). Could this gesture be 'The Ali' conjuring up evil sprits!? I spoke to Ian who laughed off my explanation saying that the 'spirit' was just water vapour used to create a smoke effect and that the so called Ali was "just me mates wife hanging around in the corner", however the concern on his face throws serious doubt on this theory . What do you think? Is this further proof of the existence of 'The Ali?'
Please add your comments in the comments section and share your thoughts with the community.
Sleep well everyone.