*May contain strong language and material that some people may find offensive!*
Date: 31st March 2020
Quarantine: Day
Location: Rotherham
Specifically: M1 Motorway making notes for my blog and being screamed and sworn at by someone in a big lorry. Can't make the words out but sounded like "gerroffthemotorwayyerbleedinidiot!"
Right!!!! I’m not one to moan, even though there’s much to complain about in the present climate; Persistent rain, state of the country, gun & knife crime and now bloody COVID-19 (mind you, at least with the latter everyone can say their news has gone viral!)
But if theres one thing that gets on my (man) tits it’s bloody motorway warning signs. Why!? In a word rude! Right? just plain bloody rude. I mean come on, is it any wonder there are so many accidents, frayed tempers and episodes of road rage? manners see! Or lack or them. No damned courtesy in the instructions we’re given.
Look, I’ve got a bit carried away. Allow me to illustrate what I mean. Lets look at photo A. Now come on, this is Britain - land of courtesy, patriotism and inventors of the *guillotine, concentration camps and spotty dicks (or some such desert containing currants). We have good manners, we are courteous, we say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’. So we would never say to someone “GET IN LANE” would we!? I mean can you imagine being in the supermarket, finding an old lady in your path and telling her to “get out of the f***ing road”. (A small exaggeration maybe but it illustrates my point).
So, in line with good old British values, allow me to propose an alternative. Now how about this...? (See Photo B ) There.... now isn’t that so much better hmm?
Still the proof of the (spotty Dick) pudding is in the eating right? So instead of lecturing lets try it out on the motorway!
Heres one I tried earlier (Photo C)
Errrrr...... whoops, might need a bit of work 🥺
THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM MY BLOG Captain Victory’s BIG Adventure. Join now - I guarantee you will be delighted (especially as there’s fuck all to do at the moment anyway).
* No it wasn’t the French it was invented in Halifax in 1286.