Date: Sunday 18th August 2019
Location: Chester
Specifically: Chester Comic Con, Chester Race Course.
An event I was really looking forward to - my first ever comic con. Given that I'm still getting used to driving Hymie I had a pleasant journey to Chester. Bit of a kafuffle when I arrived though because access to the main arena where the con was being held was across a horse racing track. Hardly surprising as the event was being held at Chester racecourse - I just didn't expect to be driving over the race track to get in. I hesitated - was this really the right way into the arena? A couple of chappies took pity on me and confirmed I was heading in the right direction - "Over there mate, you want to be over there" they said pointing to a huge white marquee that was indeed "over there" This reluctant courtesy was followed by indecipherable muttering accompanied by a fair amount of gesticulating (dirty bastards and in front of horses as well - well!).
I secured a good parking spot right outside the entrance to the arena and, although I didn't know it yet, only a few feet from my allocated pitch!. Very proud of myself I was too if I don't mind my saying so - my first time time at reversing into a space in a vehicle longer than a bus. Except...... along came someone behind me in a vehicle that was as long as a bus - probably because it was a bus, an American school bus. I was both fascinated and pissed off - fascintated because it was great to see one of these conveyances after I had only ever seen them on movies but pissed off because the only way the driver could get to where he needed to be was if someone would just move their motorhome out of his way. I managed it - thankfully. There was nothing for it anyway - the bus was going to be on display and had to be in a very specific area.
A wonderful photo of my pitch with everyone buying from my friend Kats pitch next door. ☹️
Oh dear - the times I’ve criticised people who take photos of their meals/beverages/deserts and now I’m at it! But this beer is so welcome after a hot thirsty day at Chester Comic Con!
Cheers My Dears!
Part 2 coming up: Dinner! Yay!