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Vintage Glasses Steampunk Goggles with Double Loupe

Get your pair on Amazon here:

ZAIQUN Steampunk Goggle with Double Loupe and reading light.


Awesome! A word I use rarely and then only when relevant. Customers who purchased these vintage goggles say they arrived exactly as described - with the added accompaniment of a pouch to protect them when not in use. The removable eyepieces ensure the goggles are easily customisable and can be worn on as a hat decoration or in the traditional way. A necessary accessory for any Steampunk's wardrobe. With an Amazon rating of 4.7 out of 5 users rate these goggles as among some of the best available on the market today.

Cons: You need to fit the magnifying loupe yourself which can be a little fiddly. Also the ring holding it in place can be a little sharp something you might want to consider if buying for cogglings.

Get your pair on Amazon here:

PRICE £14.99


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